Marketing in Lockdown: Five Changes You Need to Make Right Now

by Monica Simmons

The Coronavirus outbreak has changed daily living all over the world. It has forced us as individuals to adapt to a new way of doing things in a short amount of time. Similarly, business leaders have had to pivot their operations quickly.

As businesses adjust to this #newnormal, it is critical to re-examine your marketing strategy. Here are five tips for adapting your strategy:

Go Digital

As more people than ever are in their homes, on their computers, tablets and phones, it is crucial that you have an online presence. There has never been a better time to enhance your digital marketing. Here is a good guide to getting started with SEO.

Communicate Clearly

Share with your audience how you are being proactive about Coronavirus, whether it is enhancing your safety procedures, offering virtual consultations, or delivering services in a new way. Be consistent with your message across your website, Google My Business, social media accounts, and any digital or print advertising.

Diversify Your Marketing

Reach out and engage your audience in a new way, whether it be posting more regularly on social media, advertising on social media, advertising on Google through PPC (pay-per-click) or beginning an email nurturing campaign.

Go Virtual

Consumers are stuck at home with ample time to watch videos. Have a new service to share? Make a short video about it. You can even use live videos to connect with your target market.

Host a Q&A session, hold a live demonstration of your product or services or do a unique behind-the-scenes look into your business! There are a variety of free or low-cost options out there such as Facebook Live, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Facetime.

Be a Beacon of Positivity

Share good news on social media. Highlight a local organization helping on the front lines. There is so much negative news on TV and online. Be the reason someone smiles today. They will remember you!

Don’t be afraid to try something new as you navigate these ever-changing waters. Resiliency and experimentation are the keys to not only surviving, but also thriving during this unprecedented time.


About the Author:

Monica Simmons is an Account Executive at ChoiceLocal. She enjoys helping small business owners succeed. When not working, she is probably laughing at the wild stuff her daughter says or Netflix-and-chill-ing with her husband.

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