
5 Reasons To Use Hashtags

Infographic by Ali Dieken Hashtags are a unique and interesting part of social media. Marketers and individuals alike use hashtags for a variety of purposes. Some hashtags are internationally followed and some are hyper local. All of them serve a number of important purposes. So whether you’re marketing an event, curating a topic, or building

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Moving from HTTP to HTTPS

Infographic by Ali Dieken Have you moved your site from HTTP to HTTPS yet? If not, find out why you should be doing so sooner rather than later:   About the Author Ali Dieken is an Account Executive at ChoiceLocal, specializing in search engine optimization and speaking fluent Google Analytics, BrightEdge and Hubspot.

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Franchise Marketing: Everything You Need to Know About Google Algorithm Updates to Drive Digital Leads to your Business

By Dan Price Infographic by Ali Dieken How important is it to know the vast history of Google’s algorithm updates? Since Google’s eclipse into the search engine universe a multitude of major updates, as well as thousands of smaller daily ones, have been made to fine tune the Google megabeast. From reacting to the activity

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