Medicare Patient Marketing for Home Care Companies

Now that we know the difference between paid search engine traffic and organic search engine traffic lets talk about how to use this to obtain Medicare patients specifically though search with home care Medicare marketing strategies.

The Need for Medicare Patient Marketing for Home Care

Simply put many home care companies want to receive Medicare only patients instead of insurance and private pay patients because their Medicare patients typically give them higher revenue per patient.  Yet since most Medicare patients come directly through referral how do you get them?

Pay Per Click Marketing Strategies for Home Care Medicare Patients

First, let’s cover pay-per-click strategies.  If you want your home care patient marketing to attract only patients that accept Medicare these traffic qualification strategies can be pretty helpful.

  1. In today’s world of information parity the Internet is used by prospective patients and their caregivers to validate the quality of home care providers and research all options.  In addition, if someone is not happy with their current home care agency they will use the Internet to find a new home care agency.
  2. Once you setup your bids on the keywords you want to use to drive traffic to your home care landing pages, simply place the words “We Accept Medicare” within your ad copy.  This ensures that you get high quality Medicare home care patient traffic and also obtain higher click through rates which will result in search engines such as Google and Bing giving you a lower cost per click.  Then in the landing pages that your prospective patients click on after going through your ad make it clear that you only accept Medicare patients if that is indeed the case.  By doing this simple strategy you will obtain Medicare patients.
  3. If you run this strategy well you should receive about $18 in new Medicare patient revenue for every $1 you invest in pay-per-click, this is ChoiceLocal’s average ROI for our clients through our Medicare focused pay-per-click campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization Strategies for Home Care Medicare Patients

In the search engine result pages the words that most often appear show up in the Title Tag and the Description Tag on your website. Again, to qualify your traffic simple put the words “Medicare Only”, “Medicare” or, “We Accept Medicare” in every description tag on your website and in some title tags.  This will encourage those looking specifically for Medicare home care to find you and it will also cause patients you may not want to be discouraged from clicking through to your website.

In most home care markets if you do an effective job of this strategy for medicare patient marketing for home care you can generate several hundred thousand dollars in new patient revenue just through Medicare home care search engine optimization and pay-per-click marketing.

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