Reviews: The Good, The Bad and The Follow-up

online reviewsBy Liz Priebe

When a customer is looking at a new product or service, what are they likely to do? They will research options, check websites and look through reviews and customer feedback. This is important to businesses because it provides live and local feedback from and for your existing and potential customers.

The Good
Good reviews give great information for you specific location(s). They are personal feedback from current and potential clients that highlight the services, support or personal experiences they had or are having at your business.

The Bad
Not all reviews will be good. Handling reviews will take time and effort. If there are issues that are brought up, you need to provide feedback showing how you plan to address the problem stated in the review.  If someone is being unreasonable in their complaint (I know, but it can happen J), you need to show that you are doing your best to acknowledge and work through the issues.  People will hopefully see you are trying to address the issue and understand that every solution may not resolve the issue exactly the way the person would like.

The Follow-up
It is important to follow up on all reviews that are submitted. This can be as simple as an automated “Thank You” e-mail, a personal e-mail or a phone call. You have a lot of options to ensure that the proper method of follow-up is used and that you are treating everyone as though they are your client.  For new clients, this will show them what they can expect when they choose to use your services. For your existing clients, it will show them they made the right choice and give them more reason to continue using your services.

Getting Reviews
There are many ways to get feedback from your clients and prospective clients. You can ask for reviews on your website, in e-mails sent to ensure everything is going well with a new or existing service, from phone calls or other correspondence you receive.  Great reviews are always nice to read, but everyone knows that issues can arise now and again. Don’t be afraid to include less than stellar reviews, because these will show how much you value your clients and that you are willing to address their issues and concerns. This will enable you to improve the client’s experience and your services.

While underrated, reviews are an important aspect to your business. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there to gain reviews and respond to customers. It can only help you!


About the Author
Liz Priebe is an Account Executive at ChoiceLocal who specializes in technical SEO and client relations. In her free time she enjoys spending time outdoors, hanging out with her fiance and playing with her adorable dog, Tucker.

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