The Content Writer's Guide to Overcoming Writer's Block

The Content Writer’s Guide to Overcoming Writer’s Block

By Molly McNamara

We’ve all been there. You’ve finally set aside some time to write, but the words just aren’t coming to you.

Whether it’s a project for work, a school assignment or a personal piece, you find yourself sitting at your desk, coffee in hand, aimlessly staring at a blank word doc. 

Even the most experienced writers hit roadblocks from time to time. If you’ve found yourself stuck in content rut, here are a few personal tips to help you dig yourself out.

Give yourself time.

One of the rules of thumb that I live by when it comes to content writing is to never leave something for the last minute. Not only does an impending deadline create additional stress for yourself, but it also takes away from the creativity that can strike at any moment. 

I always find that my best and most thoughtful pieces of writing come to me at the most arbitrary times. With that being said, do not ignore when creative genius strikes. 

Making breakfast and an idea for a project due next month comes to you?

Write it down! Going for a jog and a new idea for your blog pops into your

head? Quickly jot it into the notes section of your phone.

You can always go back and build upon them later, but don’t let ideas slip away while they’re fresh.

Don’t take your first draft so seriously.

One thing I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I’m a bit of a perfectionist. When it comes to writing (and anything I do, for that matter) I am hesitant to sign my name on something unless I am 100% sure it is work that I’m proud of. 

If you’re anything like me, it can be daunting to begin a new piece of writing when your thoughts aren’t completely organized yet. But what I’ve discovered is that sometimes you just need to give yourself a nudge and start somewhere. 

There is always time to go back, make edits and expand on things. Whether it’s one page or just a few sentences, getting the ball rolling is the first step in creating engaging content.

Find your own creative outlet!

Everyone has their own “thing” that puts them in a creative headspace.

Personally, I always feel refreshed after I go for a run or attend a new workout


But everyone is different! 

It may take a little self-exploration, but you owe it to yourself to find a hobby or activity that brings out the best in you. Your content will thank you for it! 

Whether you enjoy reading a new book, checking out a new coffee shop or chatting with and bouncing ideas off of a friend, be sure to save some time for yourself so that you feel your best and are able to perform your best.

If you start to feel consumed by writer’s block, remember that you’re not alone. Everyone feels this way from time to time, but if you keep these tips in mind you’ll be on your way to creating thoughtful, engaging content in no time! 

Happy writing!

About the Author

Molly McNamara is a Digital Marketing Specialist at ChoiceLocal. When she’s not in the office, she enjoys listening to true crime podcasts, eating Mitchell’s ice cream and watching Cleveland sports.

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