Physician Marketing Strategies With Local SEO

As a physician practice if you are using a local marketing firm, or if you are doing your marketing in-house you must have a website and you must be doing local seo on your website in order to obtain new patients.

In ChoiceLocal’s complete physician marketing strategies guide we go into great detail on how to power your practice to the top of local search results for terms that are of the highest importance to your practice.  Yet here are a few highlights to get you started:

  1. Use Google’s Keyword planner to do keyword research and choose the best keywords to go after for your practice.
  2. Once you have selected the keywords you want to rank for, map each keyword to a URL on your website.  Note that the most competitive keywords should be put on your most important pages, such as your home page or your blog home page.  Generally you will know which keyword is the most competitive based on its cost per click that the Google Keyword planner gives you.
  3. Use local meta tags on every page of your website and optimize them using the keywords you have mapped to each page of the website.Below is an example of a local META tag for ChoiceLocal
    <meta name=”geo.region” content=”US-OH” />
    <meta name=”geo.placename” content=”Avon” />
    <meta name=”geo.position” content=”41.443443;-81.981314″ />
    <meta name=”ICBM” content=”41.443443, -81.981314″ />
  4. Optimize your title tags with this format:  -’Business Name + Service Type, City, Province/State’ | Keyword 1 & Keyword 2′. Eg: ‘Avon Women’s Health OBGYN, Avon, OH | Cleveland OBGYN’.
    Warning: Make sure your title tag is no shorter than 60 characters and no longer than 75 characters.
  5. Optimize your META description tags to include the keyword you want to rank for and your geographic location.

There is a lot more to successful physician marketing but this is a great start – at least for helping you get your physician practice closer to the top of the local search engines.

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